Title Integruoto ugdymo organizavimas ir kokybės vertinimas pradinėse klasėse /
Translation of Title Organization of integrated education and quality assessment in primary classes.
Authors Ivaškevičiūtė, Beatričė
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Pages 86
Abstract [eng] After analyzing the scientific literature and research by various authors, it can be stated that integrated education creates opportunities for the multifacetedness of the intellect to create the preconditions for all subjects to become a connecting link in education. However, there are also authors (Bolak et al., 2005) who question the benefits of integration. In their opinion, the extremely close connection between the subjects to be integrated may be detrimental to the teaching of a particular subject, as the acquired knowledge will be general and shallow. Proponents of integrated education believe that integrated materials teach students facts, principles, and skills, enabling them to be active. The analysis of the situation discussed allows us to assume the question of the research problem: how is integrated education and its quality assessment in primary schools organized? The purpose of this work – to explore the experience of integrated education organization and quality assessment in primary classes. The aim of the research was to analyze the scientific and methodological literature and to present the concept of integrated education. To theoretically and empirically substantiate the factors relevant to quality assessment in order to achieve an integrated organization of education. Reveal issues affecting quality assessment. To determine the benefits of integrated education organization for the progress of primary school students. Research object – organization of integrated education and quality assessment in primary schools. The aim – to explore the experience of integrated education organization and quality assessment in primary classes. Research methodology and methods. The research is based on the theory of humanistic education, holistic education, and the provisions of the philosophy of pragramatism and social constructivism. The study was conducted in April 2022 at X Primary School. Qualitative (written interview) research strategy was used. An empirical study interviewing teachers and school leaders in school X found that teachers try to take into account the level of achievement of students in a particular class, learning needs, learning styles and aptitudes, and teaching and learning conditions when planning the integrated education process. However, the development of an integrated education process is hampered by problems with collaboration with teachers, the organization of the classroom management and teaching process, the lack of careful preparation in advance, the lack of dissemination of good practice, different approaches and lack of motivation. Perspectives for the improvement of integrated education have been observed during the empirical research. When participating in the self-assessment of the quality of school education, the teacher first of all draws attention to his / her competencies - what kind of knowledge or skills he / she would like and should strengthen, as a teacher evaluating the school and at the same time his / her activity.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022