Title Methodology for calculating the information (font) load of thematic maps on the example of belarusian maps /
Translation of Title Teminių žemėlapių šriftų informacinės apkrovos skaičiavimo metodologija Baltarusijos žemėlapių pavyzdžiu.
Authors Alifirenka, Viachaslau
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Pages 81
Keywords [eng] Information load, font load, graphics load, thematic maps, graphics load calculation method, font load calculation method, calculation method, thematic maps, Belarusian maps, Russian alphabet, font, letters, square.
Abstract [eng] In this master's thesis, literature sources on the properties of cartographic fonts, signs of cartographic fonts, features of placing inscriptions on a map, classification of cartographic fonts, and features of the letters of the Russian alphabet were studied. Scientific articles were also studied, the object of study of which was the graphic and text load of maps. After studying this literature, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to improve the method for calculating the font load of maps. In the course of the work, four thematic maps were selected from the atlas of the geography of Belarus for grade 10, a database of all names was created, the maps studied were classified according to the types of names, the fonts used to write them, the ways they were written: using uppercase, lowercase and a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, their writing styles: regular, bold, italic, bold italic. The total number of inscriptions on all maps was 1059 words. A unique database of areas of letters of the Russian alphabet was created, written using the Calibri font of size 8, 10, 11, 12, 14 points, using the usual, bold, italic, bold italic style of writing them. A database was created of the areas of the letters of the Russian alphabet written using the Times New Roman font of size 11, 12, 14 points, using the usual style of writing. A methodology has been developed for calculating the font load of maps, which includes a letter-by-letter calculation (calculation by pixels) of the areas of words, as well as two methods for calculating the areas of words, taking into account the height of the letters, the spaces between the letters in the words and the length of the word. The developed method of font loading of maps was tested. Based on the results of its verification, I can say that it is not inferior to existing methods, but on the contrary, it is more accurate, since it uses a letter-by-letter calculation (calculation by pixels) of areas, takes into account spaces between letters in words, as well as the length of the entire word. I can say that the method of letter-by-letter calculation (calculation by pixels) of the areas of words is the most suitable when compiling digital maps. And two methods for calculating the areas of words, taking into account the height of letters, the spaces between letters in words, and the length of a word, are suitable for compiling both digital and printed versions of maps. The developed methodology is promising for use in compiling any type of maps, both digital and printed. Keywords: Information load, font load, graphics load, thematic maps, graphics load calculation method, font load calculation method, calculation method, thematic maps, Belarusian maps, Russian alphabet, font, letters, square.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2022