Title Nevyriausybinių organizacijų lyderystės raiška socialinėje politikoje /
Translation of Title Manifestation of ngo’s social policy leadership in lithuania.
Authors Rimšaitė, Ieva
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Pages 53
Abstract [eng] This work aims to analyze the manifestation of social policy leadership of NGOs working in the social work field in Lithuania. Social problems and risks that social workers seek to reduce and eliminate have a complex nature. It requires more integrated methods to tackle them. To change systems, which cause and enable social problems, social workers need to participate in the social policy formulation by engagement in policy practice. Social policy practice is one of the roles of professional social workers. The goal of which is to operate at the political level and to achieve social and economic justice as well as ensure all groups' of people quality of life and human rights (Nouman, Levin, Lavee, 2019). Qualitative research has been conducted. The object of the research – is the manifestation of NGOs political leadership. Aiming to analyze conditions to perform political leadership in both organizational and political environments, the following objectives have been set: 1. To assess value context and determination for political practice of NGOs. 2. To assess human and financial resources for social policy practice as well as the level of competencies and opportunities for improvement. 3. To collect knowledge about NGOs’ partnerships. 4. To collect insight about the strategies to engage in political leadership and to assure the quality of the practice. 5. To describe the influence of the political environment and the prevailing norms which impact the manifestation of the NGO's political leadership, as well as to identify its strengths and weaknesses, cooperation culture, good practices, and mutual expectations. 8 respondents have been interviewed using a semi-structured interview tool. Two questionnaires have been formulated – one for representatives of NGOs and another one for representatives of political institutions (municipalities, governments, parliament). The obtained data have been analyzed based on the methodology of the grounded theory. The data have been interpreted based on the concept of adaptive leadership and the AL competencies - Identifying the adaptive challenge, Seeing Yourself as a System, Getting on the Balcony, and Regulating the Heat. There have been 6 empirical categories refined, which have revealed the manifestations of AL competencies and the following features of NGO political leadership: NGO political leadership is inspired by both value and survival goals to secure resources for its activities; NGO political leadership practice lacks focus and consistency, social work professionals’ motivation, and resources. It is usually delegated to the heads of the organization; the political representation of NGOs lacks a strong, provocative voice and will for action, as well as managerial and scientific competencies. Learning to perform this function is not of key importance; partnership with other NGOs is the core strength for political representation. It helps to combine resources, and competencies, and maintain a stronger position; NGO political leadership practices are characterized by strategies of recognition, publicity, writing, and authenticity. NGOs distinguish themselves by quality services, independence, and ability to mobilize volunteer assistance and support; the political environment is characterized by the demonstration of positions of power, "political games", excessive control, and lack of democracy, which complicates the political leadership of NGOs. Keywords: NGO, political leadership, social policy practice, social work, representation.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022