Title Savanorystės koordinavimo iššūkiai socialines paslaugas teikiančiose organizacijose /
Translation of Title Challenges of coordinating volunteers in social service organizations.
Authors Visockaitė, Dominyka
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Pages 136
Abstract [eng] Organizations providing social services are closely cenected with the field volunteering. Volunteers are a great help for organizations and social work clients. Mentors has to fase many challenges, while coordinating Lithuanians, foreigners and volunteers of young people with fewer opportunities. There are also many ways to meet these challenges. The theoretical part analyzes the phenomenon of volunteering, its development in Lithuania, international volunteering, and the role of volunteering in the field of social work. The specifics of volunteer coordination based on the theory of “Human Resource Management” are also revealed (Tamutienė, Šimkus, 2012). In the analysis part of the qualitative study, the challenges faced by the volunteer coordinators the professionals and what helps to meet these challenges are discussed. The research data are analyzed based on the theory of “Human Resource Management” (Tamutienė, Šimkus, 2012). The aim of the study is to investigate the difficulties faced by employees of social service organizations in organizing volunteer activities and how they are addressed. Objectives of the study: 1.) To investigate how employees coordinate volunteering within the organization and outside the organization. 2.) To find out what challenges coordinator have to face while working with Lithuanian volunteers 3.) To find out what challenges coordinators have to face while working with international volunteers 4.) Investigate the challenges coordinators have to face when working with young people with fewer opportunities. 5.) Find out the applicable and possible solutions. The methods used are data analysis - expert analysis and content and literature analysis. The research revealed that the coordinators face various challenges at each stage of the “Human Resource Management” theory (Tamutienė, Šimkus, 2012). The challenges differ depending on the type of volunteer (Lithuanian, foreigner, young people with fewer opportunities) and the location of the target group (city, province). The research also have shown that the best ways to deal with challenges are: experience, training and networking.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022