Title Modernybė ir miesto transformacijos Henri Lefebvre teorijoje /
Translation of Title Modernity and city transformations in henri lefebvre theory.
Authors Paleckytė, Elena
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Pages 56
Abstract [eng] The work examines modern city and architecture transformations and their critique in philosopher and sociologist Henri Lefebvre theory. It is argued that the two main parallels between modernism as a more general phenomenon and modernism in architecture and urbanism are utopianism and technicity. Utopianism in architecture is observed not only because of the attempt to realise a social, egalitarian utopia, but also because it removes everything that contradicts this utopia. In other words, in modernism it is proposed to build the city from scratch (by demolishing parts of a city or building on a plain field), it is also agitating to give up decorative ornaments because it is seen as a feature of the pre-modern past. It is argued that Henri Lefebvre, who has criticised modernity, modern architecture and city planning, did in fact support utopian thinking and saw architect as a coordinator of the way the social relations are expressed in space. The work states that modernists are characterized by technicality, scientific approach to the city and the city, the desire to solve urban or housing problems as a scientific task, but their slogan "form follows function" hides the fact that modern is characterized not only by functionalism but also by formalism. It is also argued that modernism has served to create the architecture of both a socialist and a capitalist state and therefore Henri Lefebvre’s critique of modernism cannot be considered political. Finally, as postmodernism identifies itself as a critique of modernism, modernism is being examined as a contrast of postmodernism. It is argued that postmodernity is a transformation of the project of modernity, and that the architecture of postmodernism, while criticizing modernism, is also only a continuation of it, a certain fashion within the framework of modernism itself.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022