Title Išmanus patikros stendas „Powerbox“ rekuperatorių automatikoms, jo projektavimas ir taikymas gamyboje /
Translation of Title Intelligent test stand for „powerbox“ recuperator automation, its design and application in production.
Authors Gailiūnas, Tomas
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Pages 63
Abstract [eng] In an effort to speed up the operation of assembly lines at the manufacturing plant, efforts should be made to avoid defects in the lines that reduce line throughput and increase internal losses. In order to achieve better results, it is necessary to ensure better inspection of the installed components during their production. For newly developed semi-finished products, the inspection is only superficial, as no test methods have yet been developed and designed on the production lines. In my work I researched the defective automatics of the new product series, determined the set of the new series recuperators and their automatics, prepared the design of the test bench, described the possible payback of the stand. The main objectives of the project: the designed system would operate reliably, would be safe to use, would be suitable for all versions of Powerbox automation, would provide protection against unintentional mixing of wires, the system would comply with the general rules for electrical installation.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022