Title Dvarų teisinė apsauga ir archeologiniai tyrinėjimai Lietuvoje /
Translation of Title Legal protection and archaeological investigations of manors in lithuania.
Authors Urbonavičiūtė, Dovilė
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Pages 55
Abstract [eng] The object of this study is a manor, which is determined as significantly outstanding at peasants’ houses, managed by feudal nobleman; this nobleman efficiently manages the farming, builds elaborate manors, plants parks and gardens and uses peasants as working power for maintaining his manor. The objective of this study is to collect information about archaeological investigations of Lithuanian manors, to allot them into stages (Interwar Lithuania, Soviet period, contemporary Lithuania) by comparing the number of manors’ investigations, their intensity and depth in each stage. Also the reasons of the presence, as well as absence of the investigations, the juridical aspect of saving the manors and certain saving works underway are intended to be reviewed and analysed. The aims of this study are the following: preparation of data basis of manors, collection of information about archaeologically investigated manors, comparison of these two databases by preparing maps and a list of archaeologically investigated manors, and review of manors’ investigations and ward in various periods. After research it can be maintained, that manor heritage in all periods has been quite neglected. Both in Interwar and Soviet Lithuania the government did not pay sufficient attention for ward of manors. In both periods the reasons had an ideological background. After restoring of independence Lithuania inherited a neglected manor culture; during the first decades of independence manor heritage fell into a complete crisis. Just recently situation betters. If to take archaeological aspect, it can be maintained that manors were not investigated in depth. First excavations were executed in Soviet period, in the 6th decade of the 20th century; but their intensity increased only since 1994 and became more or less stable. However, very few manors have been excavated. Moreover, these investigations have been more explorations than excavations, so they have a minor importance for the cognizance of Lithuanian manors.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009