Abstract [eng] |
Electronic business is apace progressing business nowadays and it will quickly progress in the future. Electronic business is useful to company, because of giving an opportunity to make wide selection of goods and services, competitive prices, effective and comfortable service of customers, supply system, economize the resources, reduce the expenditures, what allows company to develop the information system and to extend performance. Many companies in Lithuania are just beginning to inculcate electronic business. The perspectives of electronic business in Lithuania are huge, but the lack of knowledge and initiative are blocking the development of latter business. The main task of this work is to analyse the theoretical side of electronic business and later, using this analysis, to evaluate the possibilities of developing electronic business and create the management system of e-commerce. In the first and second part of this work is analysed theoretical literature: analysis is concentrating on revealing the development of electronic business. It is reached by analysing value creation in electronic business, sifting sources of successful electronic business and showing the technique of creating an effective electronic business strategy. Also there is analysed literature about Content Management System. In the third part is analysed methodology of values creation in electronic business In the fourth part of this work JSC „Knygynas“ is introduced. After introduction the results of electronic business development in aforementioned company are revealed. Appealing to results, the recommendations of improving electronic business procedures in JSC „Knygynas“ are given. In the fifth part the main programming operations are described. Also there are analysed possibilities how to adjust the electronic business administration system to e-commerce. And in the last part of this work possibilities of programmed content management system and the others systems are compared. Also the usability of made-up system is evaluated. |