Title Konkurencijos teisės įrankių taikymas sprendžiant COVID-19 pandemijos problemas /
Translation of Title Application of competition law tools for the resolution of the problems of covid-19 pandemic.
Authors Strioga, Žygimantas
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Pages 45
Abstract [eng] In this master’s thesis it is analysed what influence on competition law COVID-19 related European Union’s new legal acts have had. The essential acts are analyzed in which state aid as well as it’s provision basis is regulated. It analyzes the essential legal acts regulating state aid, the grounds for granting it, the reduction of competition requirements in certain economic sectors, evaluates the institutions' statements on expanding the possibilities of cooperation between competitors in the COVID-19 epidemic, various opinions of scientists related to business collaborations are indicated, and the validity of these opinions is analyzed. The paper assesses the validity of the breadth of state aid measures, safeguards taken by the European Commission to ensure transparent and fair granting of state aid that does not harm the internal market. Each of the key issues for the provision of state aid in 2020 is analyzed. March 19 European Commission's communication, its significance, all five amendments to the communication are analyzed, and conclusions are drawn about the trends reflected in the amendments. The regulations under which operators in the potato, dairy and crop sectors can enter into agreements with each other and take the decisions needed to stabilize these sectors are also analyzed. Assessing possible changes in price regulation, as well as cooperation between competitors, the paper concludes that regulation in these areas should remain unchanged until there is more appropriate empirical evidence that such changes would actually contribute to the economic recovery of the European Union.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021