Title Valstybės tarnautojo ir darbuotojo statuso lyginamoji analizė /
Translation of Title Comparative analysis of the status of a civil servant and an employee.
Authors Stelmokaitė, Edita Dovilė
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Pages 47
Abstract [eng] This master's work analyses the status of a civil servant and an employee, the elements that make up the status and the resulting social guarantees, as well as situations where labor law norms can be applied in legal relations of the civil service. This topic is analyzed with the help of significant legal acts regulating the legal relationships, articles by scientists, conclusions in the doctrine, and explanations of judicial practice. The article analyses the development of the formation of the civil service and the institutions of labor relations after Lithuania restored its independence, the impact of this development on the current regulation of these relations. It also examines the elements of the status of a civil servant and an employee, working under an employment contract, and the social guarantees arising from them. The topic of the master's thesis makes a clear distinction between two legal entities – a civil servant and an employee, working under an employment contract – the goal is to analyze as broadly as possible the characteristics and differences in the status of these subjects. The analysis made it possible to conclude the difference in civil service and labor legal relations regulation. Thru detailed laws, by-laws, scientific literature, and doctrine, the features of the status of a civil servant and an employee are revealed, which determine social guarantees and protection mechanisms arising from the elements of the corresponding status.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021