Title Savarankiškai dirbančių asmenų socialinio draudimo teisinis reguliavimas /
Translation of Title Legal regulation of social insurance of self-employed persons.
Authors Šemeklytė, Kamilė
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Pages 58
Abstract [eng] The master thesis analyzes the legal regulation of social insurance of self-employed persons, examining the legal acts of the European Union and the Republic of Lithuania, as well as the literature of publications of the Republic of Lithuania and foreign specialists. This topic is closely related to the constitutional value of the route – the right of every person to social security. Taking into account the importance of social security in the world, among other things, by analyzing it in international documents, establishing legal compliance of regulations in the Republic of Lithuania with European Union documents. The thesis analyzes the concept of a self-employed person in the European Union and the Republic of Lithuania, as well as the development of the concepts of a self-employed person in the Republic of Lithuania, as well as a set of self-employed person's social insurance coverage. Both the development of the concept of a self-employed person and the development of the coverage of social insurance applicable to these persons, which makes society important for these groups of persons and the desire to help more favorable social guarantees for these persons. Comparing work between different groups of self-employed persons and these personal ones with employees working under employment contracts is a separate feature of self-employed persons, which is the basis and the corresponding application of social insurance to these persons. Analyzes of self-employed persons of some other European Union member states and their social insurance allow to understand the importance and influence of European Union legal regulation on European Union member states, and analysis of European Union documents and legal regulation compliance documents to achieve the legislative goals of the Republic of Lithuania to ensure the highest possible social guarantees for the citizens of the Republic of Lithuania.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021