Title Didžiųjų mažmeninės prekybos tinklų rinkos erdvinė analizė Vilniaus mieste /
Translation of Title Spatial analysis of the market of large retail networks in vilnius city.
Authors Jakubkaitė, Živilė
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Pages 36
Abstract [eng] The aim of the research is to perform the analysis of the selected Vilnius city large retail chains market, their potential customers, serviced territories and accessibility, to provide insights and trends according to the obtained results. Tasks set for the work to achieve the goal: to review previous research, literature; to select the territory to be analyzed and to prepare the database required for the analysis; to select and configure spatial business analysis tools according to the available data and to prepare the methodology for their use; to perform a spatial analysis of the market of large retail chains in the selected territory and to create result maps. Two groups of data were used in the work: literature sources, spatial data. The following research methods were used to complete the tasks: analysis of literature sources, analysis of spatial data, description, cartographic and comparative method. The review of research and literature examined the literature of both foreign and Lithuanian authors related to the use of GIS business analysis, research of spatial retail business analysis. There is a lot of scientific literature on this topic abroad, but in the Lithuanian context there are at least spatial business analysis service providers who provide it as private services, and the results and insights of the analyzes are not made public. Due to these reasons, there is a need for research on this topic, adapted to the Lithuanian retail business market. The second part of the work describes the methods of work preparation. It is important to have a properly prepared database for the research and to examine and select the most appropriate tools for the analysis. Data used during the work: data of the large retail chain centers of Vilnius city, which were transformed into spatial ones with the help of localization; Vilnius city addresses (points); Vilnius city administrative boundaries; average monthly traffic per day (SĮSP); data on the number of Vilnius city population and the average age of the population by residential address (points). For the part of the results of the work, 10 maps of spatial analysis were created, as well as 5 graphs, with the help of which the obtained results were analyzed, insights were provided, and prevailing regularities or exceptional cases were discovered.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021