Title Agile metodologijos taikymo galimybės verslo įžvalgoje /
Translation of Title Application opportunities of agile methodology in business intelligence.
Authors Strimaitiene, Inga
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Pages 67
Abstract [eng] The main purpose of this master thesis is to identify possible threats and opportunities of application of Agile methodology and principles in business intelligence. This master thesis consists of the following parts – scientific literature analysis, author’s research methodology (research methods, author’s research model), research itself (maturity model evaluation of 5 interviewed companies and application opportunities of Agile) and conclusions. Research methods used in this master thesis – scientific literature analysis, interview and systemic analysis. Literature analysis reviews Agile methodology and principles, definition of business intelligence and key differences of traditional and Agile business intelligence. After the literature analysis, the author has carried out interviews with representatives of five different companies, which belongs to medium sized enterprise or large enterprise categories. The main purpose of the interview questionnaire was to gather information about business intelligence practices in the organization and views on the perspective of application of Agile methodology in business application. Based on received information, the author was able to assess the maturity level of the companies’ analytics following the guidelines of TDWI analytics maturity model assessment. Furthermore, analysis of possible strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats has been carried out based on findings of maturity model assessment. Based on the research outcome several findings have been identified. First, opportunities of successful application of Agile methodology in business intelligence depends on the company’s maturity model in analytics. Although none of the interviewed companies are currently applying Agile methodology and principles in their daily business intelligence practices, it was noticed that some of Agile attributes are however noticeable. Company that has reached maturity in its business intelligence is already applying many of Agile guidelines and therefore implies the least amount of risks associated with possible application of Agile methodology into their business intelligence practices. In contrary, organizations that are in the early analytics maturity stage have the most risks associated with application of Agile methodology and therefore it is advisable to consider alternative business methodologies for its business intelligence improvement. Threats and opportunities, associated with application of Agile methodology, as outside factors are mainly similar to all maturity levels, therefore no in depth analysis has been completed in this regard. The conclusions and recommendations summarize the main concepts of literature analysis as well as the results of the performed qualitative research. Conducting further research of effective application of Agile methodology in business intelligence, more attention should be put on empirical data to prove the effect the methodology provides. Also, more emphasis could be put on researching the importance of data governance practices in effective implementation of Agile methodology in business intelligence, as this topic is not widely researched in literature, but it was noticed that interviewed companies struggle in the data governance area.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021