Title Įmonių vidinės komunikacijos tikslais naudojamų vaizdo skambučių platformų analizė Covid-19 pandemijos laikotarpiu /
Translation of Title Analysis of video call platforms used for corporate internal communication purposes during the covid-19 pandemic.
Authors Vasiliūnaitė, Indrė
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Pages 103
Abstract [eng] ANALYSIS OF VIDEO CALL PLATFORMS USED FOR CORPORATE INTERNAL COMMUNICATION PURPOSES DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Indrė VASILIŪNAITĖ Paper for the Master’s degree Strategic management of information systems Master’s Program Vilnius University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Supervisor – D. Šeibakas Vilnius, 2021 SUMMARY 62 pages, 19 charts, 11 pictures, 68 references. The main purpose of this master thesis is to evaluate the video call platforms used during COVID-19 period for internal communication purposes. The work consists of three main parts: the analysis of literature, the research methodology description together with the research as well as conclusion and recommendations. Literature analysis reviews the concept of internal communication, communication models and their development. It also provides and overview of the main video calling platforms used in their market together with their brief history. The second part of the work reviews the research methods, develops an applicable research model. It was decided to use both qualitative and quantitative research. During the qualitative research, an in-depth interview with 5 people was carried to determine the criteria set by companies when choosing platforms for internal communication. During the quantitative survey, 391 respondents were interviewed to examine which criteria in video-calling platforms are perceived to be most vital by the users. The results of the survey were statistically processed. After analyzing the results of the qualitative research, it was concluded that functionality, security and price are important for companies when choosing internal communication platforms. The relative importance index (RII) statistical method was used for the analysis of the results of the quantitative study. The results reveal that the most important criteria for users are instant chats, the ability to share documents, usability on multiple devices and high-quality video calls. Taken together, both studies show that the usage of video-calling platforms has significantly increased over the COVID-19 period. The conclusions and recommendations provide a summary analysis and synthesis of the scientific literature and summarize the results of both studies. The author notes that this study is one of the first of its kind conducted during COVID-19 and believes that the results obtained can help companies to more easily select the internal communication video call platform they need.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021