Title Kazio Borutos egodokumentai: kairysis intelektualas totalitarizmo akivaizdoje /
Translation of Title Egodocuments of kazys boruta: a left-wing intellectual facing totalitarianism.
Authors Daugėlaitė, Brigita
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Pages 58
Abstract [eng] Egodocuments of Kazys Boruta: A Left-wing Intellectual Facing Totalitarianism This master’s thesis analyses the personality and views of Kazys Boruta as they reveal themselves in the writer’s late egodocuments (1940–1965). Different types of egodocuments (diaries, letters, an autobiography, drafts of speeches, protocols), collected from various archives, which are united in their use of the first person, are treated as a single text corpus and serve as the main resource of the research. The examination of these texts aims to reconstruct the writer’s relationship with his environment, also, his self-image and attitudes in the historical context of that period. This thesis explores the stance of Kazys Boruta on the social issues important to him, as well as creative challenges in the Soviet era, his dispute with authorities, his internal experiences and public image.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021