Abstract [eng] |
The Cultural Trauma of Exodus in the Literary Works of Liūnė Sutema and Laima The Cultural Trauma of Exodus in the Literary Works of Liūnė Sutema and Laima Vincė. Master thesis, supervisor prof. V. Subačius. Vilnius University, Faculty of Philology, 2021, 67 p. Thesis ex-amines cultural trauma in the aspect of Exodus through literary works written by Liūnė Sutema (Zi-naida Nagytė-Katiliškienė) and Laima Vincė. Seven texts of Liūnė Sutema („Tebūnie tarytum pasa-koj“ (1955); „Nebėra nieko svetimo“ (1962); „Bevardė šalis“ (1966); „Badmetis“ (1972); „Vendeta“ (1981); „Grafitti“ (1993); „Tebūnie“ (2006)) and the newest Laima Vincė novel “This is Not My Sky” (2017/2018) (liet. „Tai ne mano dangus“) were analyzed. Thesis is aimed at unfolding the con-cept of literary trauma. Wide spectrum of Exodus cultural trauma signs altogether with literary con-cept considered as a fictional narrative in situations revealing the state of the entities constellation is presumed. Therefore, it was chosen to systematize the classical and recent research by psychologists, sociologists, and anthropologists on psychological and cultural trauma. The focus of this Master the-sis is on the elements of cultural trauma, but psychological signs of trauma are not excluded. The collected theoretical review on the concept of trauma is valuable for a new term “Exodus trauma” formulation and thorough analysis in the literature. The Master's topic is relevant to several disci-plines and also general reader, as there has been little scientific research into the traumatic experi-ences of Exodus concept in the literary works of 20th century emigrants that has influenced the cul-tural reflection of Lithuania. In the final thesis it was concluded that themes of Exodus with essen-tial signs of cultural trauma such as: fear of death, traumatic dreams, complicated mourning, transgenerational trauma and post-traumatic growth dominate in literary texts of different genres and artistic value. Discovery of aggression should be emphasized in the poetry of Liūnė Sutema as well as connection with the poetic attitude, which until then was referred as “Nordic”. Vincė's novel is useful in covering the concept of complex trauma (Exodus and repression by the Soviet regime), which testifies to forced emigration as a form of life protection from brutal occupier. Soviet occupa-tion trauma is not analyzed in this work, but attention should be drawn to its organic fusion with the tragic experiences of emigrants: the loss of homes, loved ones and culture. |