Title Interaktyvumo apraiškos imersiniame Lietuvos teatre /
Translation of Title Manifestations of interactivity in the immersive lithuanian theatre.
Authors Kriaučionytė, Giedrė
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Pages 42
Abstract [eng] The goal of this research is to clarify the definition of interactivity in theatre field. The chosen way to analyse interactivity in the specific theatre field is based on thoughts about interactivity by Aaron Smuts and August Boal. The main differences between immersive and interactive performances are highlighted during analysis of the specific immersive performances in Lithuania. Moreover, new audience perception of 21st century reveals in this research. Audience from passive observer becomes active producer of meaning, co-author of the performance. This research is not only for theatre creators to understand the dialogue with audience or audience incorporation to the performances better. This research is to make conscious choose of direct experience by the audience also.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021