Title Jaunimo kalbinės nuostatos: rytų aukštaičių atvejis (perceptyviosios dialektologijos perspektyva) /
Translation of Title Linguistic attitudes of the youth: the case of east aukštaičiai case from the perspective of perceptual dialectology.
Authors Forgeron, Gabriela
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Pages 57
Abstract [eng] This master thesis analyzes the language of the Eastern Aukštaitian youth from the sociolinguistic, perceptual and structural perspectives. The aim of this research is to find out how the informant perceives his dialect and how he objectively realizes dialect in specific linguistic situations. In this reaserch were set the following challenges: 1. To compile a questionnaire, based on the selection of informants who are about 20–29-year-old East Aukštaitians, currently living in Vilnius, Lithuanian and who held higher education. 2. To select only those informats who declare using the dialectal language in the specific linguistic situations indicated in the questionnaire, and to divide them into groups according to a certain dialect classification of Lithuanian dialects of Aleksas Stanislovas Girdenis and Zigmas Zinkevičius. 3. According to the group of dialects create several collages of visual stimuli based on the features of dialects indicated by A. Girdenis and Z. Zinkevičius. 4. During the creative task, to ask informants and other people involved in the research to create as many stories as possible in 15 minutes in which all the objects and / or actions depicted in the collages woul be used. 5. To ask informats to record a 15-25 minute free style conversation with the same people who were involved in the tasks without their knowledge. 6. To annotate the sound recording and examine them on the basis of the distribution tables, which were created according to the features indicated in the “Chrestomathy of Lithuanian Dialects”. 7. Create a formula and use it to calculate the distance from the ideal dialectality and informant‘s degree of dialectality (in percent). 8. To compile a questionnaire and on the basis of it to interview informants and to analyze it after from the perceptual and sociolinguistic aspect. The study came to the conclusion that informants perceive dialectality subjectively, meaning that intuitively indicated linguistic features do not coincide with the model presented in the “Chrestomathy of Lithuanian Good Dialects”, and that it can be interpreted depending on the chosen reference point, which means that when measuring dialect according to the classification of Aleksas Girdenis and Zigmas Zinkevičius and the model of features in the "Lithuanian good dialect chrestomathy", the level of dialect in percentages will be low, but when measuring it according to the informants' perception, the level of dialect in percentages will rise. The study could be continued by increasing the data and improving the methodology. The methodological model presented in this work could be used to collect and analyze linguistic data. Further more, it could be a start a new discussion in terms of langauge awareness and use.This research could be relevant to sociolinguists, dialectologists, ethnologists, and people who are interested in language and culture in general.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021