Title Priešdėlių „į-“, „nu-“, „iš-“, „pri-“ polisemija lietuvių kalboje /
Translation of Title Polysemy of prefixes 'į-', 'nu-', 'iš-', 'pri-' in the lithuanian language.
Authors Kietytė, Samanta
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Pages 100
Abstract [eng] This paper investigates semantics of four Lithuanian prefixes – į-, nu-, iš-, pri- – from cognitive linguistics point of view. The aim of this work is to extract senses of the analyzed prefixes, identify links between them and compare the senses of these prefixes. Prefixed derivatives for semantic analysis were collected from Contemporary Lithuanian Dictionary. Some derivatives were eliminated based on a fact that there are no examples of their usage in Lithuanian corpus. The methodological background of this paper is cognitive linguistics methods. Characterization of spatial senses is based on the theory of image-schemas. Principled polisemy model was used to identify prototypical and other senses. The idea that links between senses are not arbitrary, but rather motivated is also important in this paper. Metaphorical senses are identified and described on the basis of conceptual metaphors theory. Also, the comparative method is applied. This investigation revealed that all prototypical schemas of analyzed prefixes have from 2 (pri-) to 6 (nu-) spatial transformations. Also, all prefixes except pri- have senses that are named as variations. For example, prototypical į- schema has two variations – senses of barrier and possession. All prefixes have metaphorical senses too when spatial relation terms are used to describe abstract phenomena. Comparative analysis revealed that some senses of the prefixes overlap, but the verbs with which they are used are different. Even if they are used with the same verbs, there is at least a little semantic difference. But there is no correlation between prototypical schemas similarity and number of overlapping senses. This investigation could be extended in various ways, such as analysis of other prefixes using the same method, diachronic perspective or psycholinguistic experiments. This paper could be useful for the researchers of cognitive linguistics, semantics, word formation.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021