Title Pradinio mokyklinio amžiaus gabių vaikų ir jų bendraamžių samprotavimo procesų lyginamoji analizė /
Translation of Title Comparative analysis of reasoning processes of gifted primary school children and their peers.
Authors Romaitė, Guoda
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Pages 52
Abstract [eng] The aim of the research is to analyze the reasoning processes of gifted primary school children and their peers reasoning processes. The research is based on the database of 1450 primary school children who participated in the project “Recognition of Students Academic Abilities and the Development of their Educational Quality.” In the research 747 boys and 702 girls participated. They were chosen from different Lithuanian cities. In the research 393 second-formers, 496 third-formers and 560 fourth formers were involved. The following instruments were used: National Assessment Results of Student Achievement, Cattell fluid intelligence test (CFT 20 – R) and Wechsler intelligence scale for children – III (WISC – III). The results obtained show that reasoning processes of gifted children differ from their peers. Differences in cognitive abilities between gifted children and their peers were found. The differences were also found in intelligence structure of gifted children and their peers. In performing subtest error analysis of fluid intelligence test matrices correlations were found between children‘s age and the type of mistakes made and tasks missed.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021