Title Viešųjų pirkimų komisijų veiklos tobulinimas savivaldybės institucijose /
Translation of Title Improving the activities of public procurement commissions in municipal institutions.
Authors Stankaitienė, Jurgita
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Pages 75
Abstract [eng] This master's thesis examines the possibilities of improving the activities of public procurement commissions. The activities of public procurement commissions in Lithuania have received little research, and public procurement is still a rather problematic area. This shows that the functions of Public Procurement Commissions are not always performed properly in accordance with the principles provided by law. It is considered to be very important to study the activities of public procurement commissions of specific state, municipal institutions and establishments, because in this way problematic aspects would be discovered and opportunities for improvement could be provided, and theories related to public administration could be developed. The aim of the master's thesis is to prepare a hypothetical model for the improvement of public procurement commissions in the municipal educational organization and to test the possibilities of its application in Joniškis d. educational institutions. Analysis of scientific literature, legal acts and interviews were used to collect data. The material was analyzed using content analysis, categorization, generalization methods. Theoretical modeling method, case analysis, choosing empirical research Joniškis d. educational institutions. 5 employees of Joniškis district municipality educational institutions responsible for public procurement were selected as interview participants. The theoretical part states that the process of improving the activities carried out in municipal institutions is related to quality management, the principles of the learning organization, is intended to improve the quality of the organization's activities. The process of improvement of activities in municipal institutions, including public procurement administration, has several stages: analysis of activities and identification of problems, planning of changes, their implementation and evaluation, as usual in strategic planning, which provides for the objectives, tasks, measures and period of implementation. An analysis of the scientific literature shows that a public sector organization that improves its performance improves its image in the eyes of the public and promotes public confidence in it. The central authority of the Republic of Lithuania providing methodological assistance to organizations regarding public procurement and its improvement is the Public Procurement Office under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania. It trains contracting authorities free of charge, consults organizations and suppliers on the application of the Law on Public Procurement, and provides recommendations on the organization of the formation of the Public Procurement Commission. The theoretical-hypothetical model of improving the activities of the organization's public procurement commission developed on the basis of the theoretical part and document analysis includes improvement of public procurement in the organization, improvement of the public procurement competencies structure and composition, management improvement, public procurement competencies improvement. The model is used in empirical the study. The main results of the empirical research: the activities of securities of Joniškis district educational institutions, the activities of the public procurement commissions do not fulfil the provisions of the Recommendations (2017) and the Guidelines (2019) on the directions of securities development. It is also observed that: the strategic documents of educational institutions do not express provisions on the need to improve public procurement; there is no increase or planned increase in the number of employees who can work for the public procurement commissions, insufficient involvement of employees of educational institutions in decision-making. The composition of the public procurement commissions in institutions is not improved, it is unchanged.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021