Title Suaugusiųjų depresiškumo, mentalizacijos ir narcistinių bruožų sąsajos /
Translation of Title Relationship between symptoms of depression, mentalization, and narcissistic traits in adulthood.
Authors Lukaševičiūtė, Agnė
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Pages 66
Abstract [eng] Relationship between symptoms of depression, mentalization, and narcissistic traits in adulthood Agnė Lukaševičiūtė, Vilnius, Vilnius University, 2021, 66 p. There is a lack of research studies, in which symptoms of depression, mentalization, and narcissistic traits would be examined. So, the aim of this study is to investigate how narcissistic traits, mentalization, and depressive symptoms are related in the general population. 508 adults (age 18 – 70, 396 women, 112 men) took part in this study, they were asked to complete the form of demographic data and instruments via the internet. Brief – Pathological Narcissism Inventory, Mentalization Scale, and The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale - Revised were used in the research. A significant indirect effect was found for narcissistic vulnerability on depressive symptoms, other-related mentalization partially mediated the effect. Findings suggest that increased traits of narcissistic vulnerability predict decreased ability to mentalize others’ behavior, and decreased this ability predicts more severe depressive symptoms, also increased traits of narcissistic vulnerability directly prognoses increased depressive symptoms.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021