Title Vortotojų ekologinė elgsena darnaus vystymosi ir produktų aplinkosaugos sertifikavimo kontekste /
Translation of Title Consumer ecological behavior in the context of sustainable development and product environmental certification.
Authors Saks-Balevičienė, Monika
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Pages 75
Abstract [eng] CONSUMER ECOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR IN THE CONTEXT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND PRODUCT ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATION Monika Saks-Balevičienė Paper for the Master`s degree Quality Management Master`s Program Vilnius University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Management Department Supervisor: Assoc. Prof.habil.dr. J. Ruževičius Vilnius, 2020 SUMMARY Structure of the master's thesis: introduction, 3 parts, conclusions and suggestions, references and appendices. The master's thesis consists of a total of 75 pages, 19 tables, 23 figures, 53 references. The aim of the master's thesis. To analyze the behavior and knowledge of Lithuanian and Estonian household entities that have an impact on ecology and environmental protection. To achieve this goal of the Master's thesis, the following tasks were set: 1. to prepare the methodology of the author's research in order to determine the behavior of the Lithuanian and Estonian population influencing ecology and environmental protection; 2. to compile a questionnaire in order to obtain statistically significant data that would allow drawing conclusions about the ecological and environmental behavior of household entities in these countries; 3. to carry out an empirical research in order to reveal more the respondents' opinion about the shortcomings and needs of Lithuania and Estonia from the ecological aspect; 4. to process statistical data using the SPSS software package and to evaluate the factors influencing the behavior of the Lithuanian and Estonian population; 5. to make recommendations on the basis of the results of the author's research. The following research methods were used to implement the tasks: Systematic review of theoretical aspects, identification of the biggest problems and their solutions, empirical research using quantitative (questionnaire survey) and qualitative (semi-structured expert interview) methods, comparative analysis, analysis of the obtained research, interpretation and formulation of conclusions. The first part of the Master's thesis - reveals theoretical aspects about Sustainable development and the relevance of ecological education in society. Insights are provided on the ecological footprint and the carbon dioxide (CO2) footprint. It provides insights into the ecological behavior of consumers in psychological and social terms. Theoretical concepts of product certification and consumer behavior in choosing organic products are presented. The consequences of possible damage caused by plastic are reviewed. The second part of the Master's thesis presents the methodology of the research „on the assessment of ecological behavior of household entities“. The relevance of the study is summarized: Every year, more and more pollutants and non-perishable plastic particles enter the environment. At the same time, the dissemination of information on environmental pollution is increasing. The research question is formulated: What factors influence the ecological values of the Lithuanian and Estonian population and their priorities and environmental behavior? The purpose of the research and research methods are described. Two hypotheses were formulated. The third part of the Master's thesis describes the research. All collected data were analyzed, systematized, and interpreted. This study revealed the similarities and differences between the ecological behavior of Lithuanian and Estonian household entities. Keywords: behavior of household entities, ecology, environmental protection.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2020