Title Verslo modelių inovacijų kuriama ekonominė ir socialinė vertė dalijimosi ekonomikos kontekste /
Translation of Title Business models innovation created economic and social value in the context of the sharing economy.
Authors Klingaitė, Edita
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Pages 101
Abstract [eng] Business Models Innovation Created Economic and Social Value in the Context of the Sharing Economy The purpose of this thesis is to determine the approach to the economic benefits and social value of sharing economy models and to make proposals for existing business models. The first task of the work is to perform a theoretical analysis of business model innovation and the sharing economy in order to elucidate the economic and social impact of the sharing economy. The next task is to determine the approach to the prevalence of the sharing economy and the emerging economic and social impact and influence on existing business models with the help of empirical research. The third task is to provide practical guidance to help existing business models adapt to changing conditions. The qualitative research method used in the empirical research is a partially structured in-depth interview in which eight experts are interviewed. An analysis of the sharing economy's scientific literature and empirical research data has shown that the business models of the sharing economy are growing and promising, with the potential to gain market share, but that share is not predominant. This business model has been found to create both economic and social value. Consumers are guaranteed efficient and faster service at a lower cost. This is unlikely in traditional business models because an additional supply chain is used to provide the service, which takes up an additional time interval. In the business models of the sharing economy, consumers can get more choice of service or product and more diversification. In the face of increased competition due to the business models of the sharing economy, existing conventional businesses can adapt to the current situation with the introduction of technology. In the case of a sharing economy, businesses should improve the quality of service. Both the sharing economy and traditional business models are promising and can adapt to the market situation based on additional guidance.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2020