Abstract [eng] |
Threat Expression in Bullying Discourse Nowadays, the problem of bullying is very relevant. This problem is expressed not only in spoken language but also in electronic discourse. Teenagers are constantly communicating with short messages, on social networks and are not protected from bullying. Threats are one of the forms of bullying which over time can lead a teenager’s commit suicide. Therefore, in order to prevent the negative effects of bullying it is necessary to be able to identify threats. This work focuses on threat as speech act expression in bullying discourse. The purpose of this work is analyze threats in bullying discourse, find out what kind of threats dominate and determine their expression. This research is based on speech act theory. Qualitative linguistic analysis method was applied. The master's thesis study material is 45 private teen messages in which is found 148 threats. While analyzing threats it was observed that their expression differ, teenagers threaten directly and indirectly. It is noticed that teenagers in messages mostly write a lot of English and Russian swears, slang words, acronyms. The investigation of this work revealed that threats mostly are implicit, it means that they don’t have a performative verb. However, there are such cases when threats are explicit and the performative verbs warn and promise is used as characteristic of other speech acts. Furthermore, the analysis showed that direct threats used in direct, conditional and question sentences. They are expressed as forward-looking facts which aims to intimidate the addressee. When teenagers threaten directly they often use pronoun “I”, also accurately identifies the threat action (for example, I will kill) result. There is no such trend in indirectly threats, they usually do not name the perpetrator of the threatening action, the same action and / or action result. The analysis showed that indirect threats used in direct, conditional, question and incentive sentences. The author of this work believes that the survey could be interesting and useful for society, teachers, parents who raise children as an educational tool which would help to identify threats and prevent bullying. As well as for those who are interested in teen language, threats, bullying discourse, also for different areas linguists, for example for sociolinguists, forensic linguists. |