Title Radarų bepiločiams orlaiviams tyrimas /
Translation of Title Investigation of radars for unmanned aircraft.
Authors Laučys, Andrius
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Pages 43
Abstract [eng] Investigation of Radars for Unmanned Aircraft The main goal of this work is to investigate various type FMCW radar capabilities to detect small-size Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Three FMCW radars, implemented on different platforms were investigated: a radar, implemented on software defined radio USRP B210 board, which was operating at 5.8 GHz frequency, a marine radar Simrad 4GTM, operating at 9.3-9.4 GHz frequency and a millimeter wave radar with automotive radar chipset AWR1642, operating at 76-81 GHz frequency bandwidth. Trials to detect DJI Phantom 3 and light fixed-wing (only using marine radar) UAVs were performed using these radars. In addition to that, radar cross section values of DJI Phantom 3 were measured in centimeter and millimeter wave bands. Software defined radio based radar on USRP B210 board was implemented and configured using open source software „GNU-RADIO“ radar toolbox – „GR-RADAR“ [2]. To increase the detection range of millimeter wave radar, automotive radar board AWR1642Boost was used as an emitter for parabolic reflector. The results of experimental studies showed, that implemented software defined radio based radar, using high gain antennas, UAV with radar cross section value of 0.01 to 0.1 m2 was detected in up to 100 m. distance. A comfortable way to represent this slowly moving UAV trajectory was presented. Using millimeter wave radar system with parabolic reflector UAV was detected in distance of around 120 m. Marine radar, due to higher transmission power, antenna gains and completeness of the product, UAVs under test were detected in range of few hundred meters, but only in low clutter environment.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2019