Abstract [eng] |
Relationships Between Cognitive Abilities, Temperament and Empathy in 4—5 Years Old Children The main purpose of this study was to reveal whether 4 – 5 years old children with higher nonverbal reasoning abilities and better understanding of other’s mind have better control of emotional reactivity and higher level of empathy. The participants in this research were 65 children (35 boys and 30 girls). Children’s cognitive abilities were measured using Colored progressive matrices (CPM; Raven, 1998) and four playful Theory of Mind tasks. Parents of child Temperament was measured using Children’s behaviour questionnaire Short Form (CBQ-SF; Putman ir Rothbart, 2000), empathy was measured using Empathy questionnaire (EmQue; Rieffe ir kt., 2010). The conclusion based on the results was drawn that there are differential relationships between various children’s cognitive abilities and dimensions of children’s temperament, however relationships between children’s cognitive abilities and empathy have not revealed. The findings of this research disclosed the importance of separate analysis of every Theory of Mind task performance in order to reveal how these children’s abilities are linked to children’s temperament and empathy. |