Abstract [eng] |
The main purpose of the paper is to develop a certification programme on Skills ensuring children safety using Internet. In order to acheve this goal, five tasks were formed: • Explore current ECDL certification programmes aiming to specialized programmes. • Explore the standards of new ECDL programmes developement. • Develop the e-Guardian programme syllabus which would be as much hardware platform and software independent as possible. • Develop the e-Guardian certification programme questions test base for automotive testing. • Place the e-Guardian certification programme questions test base on the ECDL-Lithuania testing system. • Examine ECDL Foundation quality management requirements of the e-Guardian syllabus and AQTB. To achieve these tasks such research methods as nonfiction analysis and summation, expert and user surveys, observation, experiments, statistical analysis were used. The theoretical part explores ECDL certification programmes, ECDL programme development standards, e-Guardian programme part among the ECDL Foundation products. The methods for developing ECDL programmes are described in second part. These methods include ECDL Foundation product authorization standards, certification programme syllabus and questions test base development. Third part includes descriptions of the two researches. e-Guardian syllabus and questions test base are developed in the first of them and corrections for the test base questions are made in the second research by making a survey with experts. Experiment results are used for developing questions test base. The main results are: • Current specialized ECDL certification programmes reviewed. • New specialized ECDL Foundation programme development standard and quality management system analysis is made, e-Guardian programme part among the ECDL Foundation programmes is set. • The certification Programme syllabus is developed. • Questions test base is developed according to the syllabus. • e-Guardian product endorsement standards form is filled and given for the ECDL Foundation, which agreed with e-Guardian being very important. • The trial version of the certification programme is placed on ECDL-Lithuania testing system in order to estimate testing characteristics and valuation parameters. Researches are made proving quality of the certification programme syllabus and questions test base. Learning programmes teach how to protect computer data, software and hardware, also children using Internet, but there are no certification programmes developed. The e-Guardian is aiming to become ECDL Foundation endorsed certification programme on skills of ensuring children safety using internet. The programme‘s syllabus and questions test base is now developed, endorsement form is filled and given to the ECDL Foundation, which recognized e-Guardian as a very important certification programme seeking ECDL endorsement. The volume of the paper is 82 pages. In the main parts there are 1 table and 9 pictures. |