Title Verslo IS pakeitimo projekto įvertinimo tyrimas /
Translation of Title Evaluation methods of business is migration project.
Authors Vyšniauskienė, Ieva
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Pages 65
Abstract [eng] Vyšniauskienė Ieva. (2009) Evolution Methods of Business IS Migration Project. MBA Graduation Paper. Kaunas: Vilnius University, Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, Department of Informatics. 60 p. SUMMARY Growing competition, organizations should effectly and fastly to respond to environment changing and competition evolution. Complicated competitive environment, globalization of markets, growing needs of costumers are calling for claims, because on now days business processes are not able to be enough competitive. Exactly chosen evolution method of business IS migration will give opportunity to find new problem solving. So naturally is founded desire to analyze this situation. Objective of the paper - Evolution Methods of Business IS Migration Project The goal of the paper – to set model of evolution methods of Business IS Migration In order to achieve the main goal are described theoretic aspects of organization processing and principle of optimization; too are analyzed business IS methods, is researched influence of business IS evolution to organization, too is described and suggested new model evolutions methods of business IS migration like new solution, at the end of the work are presented theoretical and practical conclusions. Analyzing process of business was illustrated and described analysis of comparing main business processing. Using invoking analysis was researched perspectives of business using new IT system Axapta 3.0. In the work recommended model will be useful for setting organizational development and growth with using methods of Business IS. At the end of the work the results are summarized, conclusions and recommendations are presented. There are 60 pages, 3 tables, 11 pictures represented in the work.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010