Title ECDL testavimo scenarijų modeliavimas derinant įvairius testavimo būdus /
Translation of Title The modelling of ecdl testing scenarious using different testing methods.
Authors Žarenkova, Marija
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Pages 74
Abstract [eng] ŽARENKOVA, Marija. (2009). The Modelling of ECDL Testing Scenarios Using Different Testing Methods. MBA Graduation Paper. Kaunas: Vilnius University, Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, Department of Informatics. 63 p. S U M M A R Y The main purpose of the paper is to develop a methodology for ECDL testing scenarios using different testing methods. In order to achieve this purpose there are five tasks to do: 1. Review some companies that provide user certification. 2. Review ECDL mission, aims and advantages. 3. Evaluate the characteristics of the testing methods. 4. Analyse existing ECDL testing methods. 5. Combine different testing methods with the real ECDL testing scenario. To achieve these tasks such research methods as nonfiction analysis and summation, solution modelling and creating of the model, users survey, interview of experts, observation were used. The theoretical part was written with reference to the first method. Solution modelling was used to suggest the solution method. When different testing methods were combined with the ECDL scenario a model was created. Users’ survey revealed the transparency of the improved scenario. The interview of experts showed the efficiency of the improved scenario. The observation showed what could be edited in the scenario. The main theoretic results are: • Different testing methods were analysed. The analyse showed how to combine different testing methods efficiently with the different questions in the scenario. • The real ECDL testing scenario was looked over. Different testing methods were combined for this scenario subsequently. The main practical results are: • Different testing methods were combined with the ECDL testing scenario. • The efficiency of the test was analysed and methods how to use different testing methods with other scenarios were suggested with reference to the created pattern. ECDL users in other countries are tested with different testing methods. In Lithuania some of the syllabuses are realised only with multiple choice question testing method. The general model how to combine different testing methods to the ECDL testing scenarios was created. Different testing methods were combined to the e-Citizen scenario. It was verified with the users’ survey, interview of experts and observation. All these methods can be used to examine the users of other programs. The volume of the paper is 62 pages. In the main parts there are 37 tables and 9 pictures.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010