Abstract [eng] |
Master’s thesis spatial composition ” Memory code” aims to encourage the viewer think about the book’s as one of the most significant cultural heritage of mankind multiple meaning. Human cultural and technological development becomes more and more momentum for new modern technologies influence, gradually disappearing traditional graphical rendering techniques favor of this vast area of virtual web. The rapid development of information technology and computer reality provokes reflection not only about the future of the book but also about the book as a phenomenon of artistic destiny. Spatial composition “Memory code” is laid down in the centre of a circle of black paper on the square podium. This is a symbol of human intellectual development circle surrounded by pulsating character curve. In the historical evolution of the book its pattern gradually changed into another and also changed its medium- book. Design, written on the rock, turns into a letter, replacing papyrus parchment, it changes the paper and the paper changes the digital media. Historical facts mix and jump like a modern sinusoid curve on the modern screen. |