Abstract [eng] |
By works we create own history, sort of magic myth, which becomes a peculiar mirror showing visible and invisible our shapes of soul. The painting of Gintautas Nauronis and also his chronicle of life, abstract images, and human’s look into himself, his inner world, character, temperament’s features, existence. The creative collection of oily paintings Abstract Vision – it is soul‘s harmony, which is needn‘t to explain philosofically – it is enough to outlive, feel, foresee. The nature of painter, acquired pictorial technique, which is able to animate for a linen. The combinations of various colours and tones, a line used in the composition give a special sound for cycle of painting. The calm, warm, energy, breath, optimism, strength, sensibility and even love whiffling in the paintings, fill every spectator‘s soul and moode by new feelings... Dynamic modernistic method of painting, whose principle - belief that sensations, intuitions, feelings, experiences and states are proximately conveyd by spontaneous aesthetical expression of impulse, which destroys a well-established view of life and deforms its shapes. Dissertation consists of to parts: theoretical schedule and practical creative work. In the theoretical part it is overlook ideas and search of theme, the significance of abstractionism, expressionism, fovism and colour in the art, conception of composition, it is also provided theoretical material of Dr. Robert Belton What is Art?, What is Art For?. Practical creative work consists of the collection of eight paintings, which is titled Abstract Vision. The paintings are abstract, of different moods, every picture acts diversely…. |