Title Baudžiamojo poveikio priemonės, jų paskirtis ir skyrimas /
Translation of Title Punitive measures, their purpose and infliction.
Authors Striogaitė, Kristina
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Pages 80
Abstract [eng] Penal measures is a new institute of Lithuanian criminal law and is set out in Lithuanian Criminal Code, section IX. The work covers different aspects of such new institute. In the first part of the work, the conception of penal measures is determined, the goals and the system of penal measures for natural persons is indicated, a recomendation on the system for legal persons is given. Also, the conclusion, that penal measures are one of the forms of realisation of criminal responsibility, is made. In the second part, the grounds and the rules of imposing penal measures are discussed, analysing the problem concerning the imposition of penal measures together with a penalty. The third part examines the contents of the types of penal measures, focusing on the problemic theoretic and practical aspects of sepatare penal measures, giving and analysing alternative positions and versions of regulation.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010