Title XX a. IV dešimtmečio lietuvių literatūra: prancūziškieji kontekstai /
Translation of Title Lithuanian Literature of the Thirties of the 20th Century: French Contexts.
Authors Klišienė, Neringa
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Pages 175
Keywords [eng] prancūziškieji kontekstai ; atminties pėdsakas ; santykis
Abstract [eng] The subject of dissertation deals with a dynamic relationship between two distinct cultures and directs towards its problem field. The purpose of this work is to highlight different aspects of the relation with the French culture by analysing the reception of efficacy of another culture. The French contexts are explored as a network of specific experiences, publicly declared cultural values and concepts. It is also a situational entirety of circumstances of creative activity (a literary work). The assumptions of creative consciousness of the Thirties are studied from the point of view of the traces in the memory; the cultural influence is analysed at different levels (official, cultural, personal, artistic) by revealing their all-encompassing effect in different spheres. The analysis of the “anatomy” of cultural impact is supported by an ambivalent strategy of this research by combining socio-cultural and phenomenological standpoints. The research based on the principle of compatibility of both methods allowed to analyse the French contexts which transform from one into another, as well as form and influence each other; and to reveal the cultural impact which evolves from intercultural relationship, by focusing the attention not on the horizontal parallels of impacts, but on paradigmatic equivalents. The field of the Thirties is represented by the literary works of Antanas Vaičiulaitis, Jonas Aistis and Henrikas Radauskas. To disclose the intercultural relationship, in parallel another study was conducted into the works of French poets, highlighting the common plane which allowed to see the imprint of cultural experience and the common vision of the world. This dissertation argues that the key level of the influence can be found not as an imitation, but rather identification, which activates even the authentic, incompatible and exclusive features of the participants of intercultural dialogue.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009