Title |
Žmogiškojo veiksnio įtakos dviračių surinkimo proceso kokybei tyrimas / |
Translation of Title |
Analysis of the influence of human factors on the quality of bicycle assembling process. |
Authors |
Slotkus, Arnas |
Full Text |
Pages |
52 |
Keywords [eng] |
Human factors ; assembling ; quality ; analysis. |
Abstract [eng] |
The product demand on today's market is highly dependent on it's quality. The product must meet all the safety requirements and have an impeccable appearance, in other words, the product should have the best possible quality. And it's quality is largely dependent on the human factor. This work analyzes the impact of the human factor on bicycle assembly process and it's quality. A statistical analysis of data was undertaken and the key factors that influence the human have been identified. There have been defined the possible ways in which the human factor can affect the individual components of the bicycle, and result in bicycle becoming a defective product. The analysis of the collected data and the subsequently prepared methodology should help to reduce the negative causes of the human factor and contribute to the better quality of the product. |
Type |
Master thesis |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2012 |