Abstract [eng] |
The governance reforms ongoing on the global scale required public institutions to cope with a range of new planning, decision-making, coordination and implementation of decisions, management of resources of all types and accounting organisation challenges. The reforms initiated in the public sector were oriented towards the modernisation of the activities and accounting of public organisations by adapting the management and accounting practices pertaining to the business sector. The public sector then was started to treat as a combination of interrelated public sector entities linked by strict hierarchical subordination, accountability and control relations. This is further related to the need to consolidate the data of financial statements of the public sector. A number of issues, such as the process of consolidation of financial statements of the public sector, and their interrelations, consolidation on the systemic-state or scientific level were examined to a minimum extent. The objective of the dissertation - to develop a model for consolidation of financial statements of public sector entities, and assess the possibilities of its application. The conceptual model for the consolidation of financial data of public sector entities proposed within the present dissertation facilitates a systemic understanding and evaluation of the entire system of consolidation of financial statements of public sector entities on the national level. The model of consolidation of public sector entities is a system interacting with its own environment. The environment of the model consists of all elements whose modification may and does affect the efficiency of the model and its result: subject (s), object (s), accounting principle (accrual principle), regulation, users of information, consolidation methods and approaches, means and the outcome. |