Title Aggregation of autoregressive processes and random fields with finite or infinite variance /
Translation of Title Autoregresinių procesų ir atsitiktinių laukų su baigtine arba begaline dispersija agregavimas.
Authors Puplinskaitė, Donata
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Pages 191
Keywords [eng] Aggregation ; long memory ; random process ; nearest-neighbour random fields
Abstract [eng] Aggregated data appears in many areas such as econimics, sociology, geography, etc. This motivates an importance of studying the (dis)aggregation problem. One of the most important reasons why the contemporaneous aggregation become an object of research is the possibility of obtaining the long memory phenomena in processes. The aggregation provides an explanation of the long-memory effect in time series and a simulation method of such series as well. Accumulation of short-memory non-ergodic random processes can lead to the long memory ergodic process, that can be used for the forecasts of the macro and micro variables. We explore the aggregation scheme of AR(1) processes and nearest-neighbour random fields with infinite variance. We provide results on the existence of limit aggregated processes, and find conditions under which it has long memory properties in certain sense. For the random fields on Z^2, we introduce the notion of (an)isotropic long memory based on the behavior of partial sums. In L_2 case, the known aggregation of independent AR(1) processes leads to the Gaussian limit. While we describe a new model of aggregation based on independent triangular arrays. This scheme gives the limit aggregated process with finite variance which is not necessary Gaussian. We study a discrete time risk insurance model with stationary claims, modeled by the aggregated heavy-tailed process. We establish the asymptotic properties of the ruin probability and the dependence structure of claims.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2013