Abstract [eng] |
In this document, the author collected his work that ranges through the years 2006 - 2013. The common theme that occurs in its five parts is that of families of algebraic curves defined over the rational numbers with points over a number field or over its ring of integers. In the first part, average number of rational points of small height on hyperelliptic curves of fixed genus is described. In the second part, this result is extended to describing how often, on average, values of homogeneous polynomials at pairs of small coprime integers are values of a given univariate polynomial with integer coefficients. Further, small families of curves that are defined over the rational numbers and do not have points over a given number field are constructed. In the subsequent part, congruent number curves are investigated. It is shown that, given a cyclic number field K, at least half of the prime numbers p that remain inert in K correspond to curves 16p^2 = x^4 - y^2 that do not have nontrivial points over the ring of integers of K. In the last part, a short exposition to a classical technique of showing that a particular curve does not have integral points is given. |