Abstract [eng] |
The subject of the Master Thesis is a tradition of pietistic confessional and its variations in the novels of Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann and Hermann Hesse. The model of pietistic confession origins stems from the Confessions of Saint Augustine. The main structural components of the confession are a fall, repentance and conversion. Nobody has analysed and compared in more detail the novels of E. T. A. Hoffmann and H. Hesse by the new code of reading, which highlights the parts of the pietistic confession. The idea that the prevalent pietism has influenced upon many romantics, with E. T. A. Hoffmann among them, has become an assumption for the analysis and comparison. The religious influence did not leave aside H. Hesse as well - he was a child of a pietist family. The brightest sign distinguishing the pietism among other religions becomes the actualization of human soul - the soul that falls, repents and converts by itself. The fall is considered the main condition of the way to God. Fiction texts explore, what determines the fall and at what moments the sin, repentance and conversion occur leading to a harmonious relationship with God. The analytical descriptive and comparative methods were chosen as the methods of research. The analysis of the main construction components of the pietistic confession in the Books I-IX of St. Augustine's Confessions has become the aim of the research. We have highlighted the variations of confession model integrated in the novel The Devil's Elixir of E. T. A. Hoffmann and the novel Siddhartha of H. Hesse. In the theoretical part, we present a description of the basics of the comparative method, take a new look at the entrenched creative trends of E. T. A. Hoffmann and raise a suggestion to consider the Confessions of St. Augustine as a definitive structure of the confession. The paper further analyses the transformation of the love for women of Medardus, the protagonist of the novel The Devil's Elixir, which signifies the major parts of the pietistic confession. A protagonist of the novel Siddhartha of H. Hesse is collated with Medardus, the main character of the latter novel: we are search for his link with the so-called fall and pietistic confession in The Devil's Elixir. |