Abstract [eng] |
The object of master work – museum profession. The purpose of master work – to analyze museum profession, giving special attention to modern museum professional, his/her competences, skills. For the attainment of this purpose there are set the following goals: to analyze the conception, development and work model of public museum; to analyze the conception, development of museum profession and set the main factors, which condition the complexion of modern museum professional; to prove the importance of personnel management in the museum; to set the competences, skills of modern museum professional; to analyze the main features and peculiarities of museum profession in Lithuania; to set the Lithuanian museum professionals attitude to themselves, to their profession necessary competences. Using sciential publications analyze, sources analyze methods, is come to the conclusions that museum profession is changing continually, especially in our days. The development of museum profession is closely concern with museum institution and museology. The change of museums, their priorities, work model influences museum profession and museum professional, it can be discussed converse progression, that changes of museum professional influences museums. Other factor, which stimulate the development of museum profession – external, global dimension forces – the development of information and communication technologies, the formation and development of information society, the progress of science, the development of culture market and etc. The changing environment changes the complexion of museum wok, tasks, which require new skills and knowledge. That’s why museum should have personnel with proper knowledge, skills, competences and peculiarities to deal with newly arise difficulties with the implementation of innovations, the adaptation to continually changing environment. In conclusion, it can be proposed that personnel is one of the most important resources both in profit and in non-profit organizations. The proper, effective management of personnel becomes vitally urgent in purpose to organization’s survive, its competitive ability and successful achieving the goals. The requirement of some competences is determined by environment, but the need of museum professional’s competences should be defined and settled by the museum itself, the organizations of museums and museum professionals. The worldwide tendencies of museum profession time or other with more or less impact affect Lithuanian museums and its professionals. The museum profession in Lithuania has its own features, despite the influence of worldwide tendencies. One of the most grand and important problems of museum profession in Lithuania is the preparation of museum professionals: the inability to establish the effective system of museum professionals preparation. The main reason of this problem – the lack of museology and museography theoreticians. For the reasons mentioned before, the improvement of museum professionals’ competencies, skills, knowledge has become especially important. The analyze of survey’s data shows that Lithuanian museum professionals clearly understand the importance of various competences in improving the quality and effectiveness of their work. The situation of museum profession in Lithuania is not the best but there are a lot of struggle and potency to improve it. |