Title Įdarbinimas ir valstybės užimtumo organizacija /
Translation of Title Work placement and organization of state’s employment.
Authors Kalvaitytė, Gitana
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Pages 72
Abstract [eng] Work Placement and Organization of State’s Employment SUMMARY Lithuania’s becoming a member of a full-right international community, the economic globalization and labour changes related with it, the need to promote employment of our country’s inhabitants, to improve conditions of employment, to guarantee interests of that group of people unable to choose a certain occupational form due to the causes not dependant on them – all these aspects force to guarantee a suitable legal regulation. While labour is as an integral part of human activity and the core of community life, it pierces into every sphere of public relations and dissolves into zillion of sub-themes which become a spanless and immense theme. Thus, while preparing this work, a thorough analysis of the problems shall not be purported, but some aspects of employment and several occupation institutes shall be arisen whereof the extent of the problem and possibilities of legal regulation can be evaluated. The analysis of legal acts regulating the realization of employment and separate occupational institutes applying the methods of systemic analysis, logical analysis, comparative, historical comparative, statistical and teleological shall be made in this work. With regard to this, the master work shall be prepared following the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, the Labour Code, the Civil Procedure Code, laws, legal acts and international and European Union legal acts. Scientific literature and court practice shall also be analyzed in this work. The preface and three parts shall comprise the work. At the end of the work the conclusions shall be formulated, as well as some proposals presented. In the first part of the work the developing preconditions of the occupation institute shall be analyzed in detail, as well as the typical features, and state obligations while organizing occupation activity shall be revealed. The second part of the work is dedicated for legal regulation of employment relations. The author shall analyze the legal aspects of the content of the right to have a job and to realize this right seeking to reveal that one of the ways to realize it is employment; the concept of this legal category shall be presented, as well as the legal basis of employment institutional system. In the third part of this work the peculiarities of legal regulation of separate occupational institutes shall be analyzed. While performing the analysis of the legal acts regulating the realization of separate occupational institutes, the author shall present the most meaningful aspects of legal regulation, and shall raise, in author’s opinion, the problematic questions together with possible ways to solve them.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010