Title Proceso nutraukimas nukentėjusiajam susitaikius su kaltininku /
Translation of Title The cancellation of the process when the victim conciliates with the culprit.
Authors Kizikas, Saulius
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Pages 75
Abstract [eng] The cancellation of the process when the victim conciliates with the culprit – is a voluntary attempt of culprit and victim to sort out the conflict which was caused by the crime made and also to make a victim – offender agreement, relating the compensation of damage. Article 212 item 5 of Code of Criminal Procedure of Lithuania establishes that pretrial can be terminated „when the suspect and the victim conciliates as it is stated in Article 38 of Criminal Code“. It means that Article 38 of Criminal Code of Lithuania gives Court possibility to exempt a culprit from criminal liability in case of his reconciliation with a victim. It is applied where the following all conditions are met: a culprit has confessed of a committed criminal deed; a culprit has compensated or removed damage his own will; a culprit conciliated with a victim; there are grounds to believe that this person will not commit new criminal deeds. This institute not only helps to compensate the damage made to the victim, but also not to consume Court’s and parties’ time and money, lets the culprit hope for humanity, quick criminal process in his case, maintain its social and personal relations as well as to avoid the isolation if measures of suppression are applied and re-socialization after leaving the place of imprisonment, and keeps the victim from unpleasant experience, as a result of judicial criminal proceedings. One of the new functions in Criminal Law is a function of reconciliation when applying institution of reconciliation between defendant and victim. In such way the state tries to determine in criminal laws it’s seek to influence the guilty person not only by restricting, limiting its rights and freedoms, but at the same time ensuring the coordination of interests of victims, society, state and defendant. Therefore one of the functions of criminal law is also to coordinate public and private interest while considering different needs of separate persons, society and the state, to implement reconciliation function together with functions of protection, repression and prevention.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2011