Title Projektų valdymas ir komandos kūrimas įmonėje "Kemek Engineering" /
Translation of Title Project management and team building in company kemek engineering.
Authors Kisielis, Karolis
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Pages 58
Abstract [eng] PROJECT MANAGEMENT TEAM BUILDING IN „KEMEK ENGINEERING“ (SUMMARY) Modern business, which is seeking to operate in high competition and regular, intensive development, can’t use conventional structure and vertical hierarchy. Alterations in company can be done by actualizing projects, which are realized by teams – groups of employs consecutively and harmoniously reaching the same aim. Modern projects and their management can be compared to the multi-stage pyramid, whose first stage – project management philosophy and methodology – reasoned by modern science, technological and economical knowledge. Project success always depends on person who actualizes it. Often happens that project initiator and founder is the same defaulter, who looks for the project team. In this case it’s sometimes hard for a project team to understand project manager’s wishes and successfully realize them. More effectively projects are actualized when persons who will be establishing project, are also precipitating in its generation stage. Subject – project management in company KEMEK ENGINEERING. It is leading organization in field of implanting specialized technological solutions and production process automation in Baltic States and CIS countries. Hypothesis: Company leadership is aiming for a successful project management by building team and motivating them according to their requirements. Therefore our goal – to scrutinize project management and team building in company KEMEK ENGINEERING. With the intention to achieve our goal we’ve set these tasks: • Theoretically inspect and compare different authors opinion about project management and team building; • Present main forms and features of project management; • In observing-way, write about one of KEMEK ENGINEERING projects; • Accomplish questionnaire poll, for finding peculiarities of project management and team building; • Systematize results for checking intentioned tasks; • Give conclusions and recommendations for project management and team building in company KEMEK ENGINEERING. Methods: We will use these research methods: • Science literature analysis; • Questionnaire poll method; • Observation; When accomplishing questionnaire poll, it transpired that decisions in keme, management and controls in KEMEK ENGINEERING are done not by company director. That is department’s manager’s duty. Organization uses cooperative model of management, because directors know that it’s impossible to make everything on their own. That’s why most of jobs are transferred to other employs. As we know, when this type of management is used, often freedom sense in organization occurs. Employs are valued by their individual initiative, which helps to reach common aims.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009