Title Nelaimingi atsitikimai darbe: teorija, praktika, problemos /
Translation of Title Accidents at Work: Theory, Practice, Problems.
Authors Juozapavičienė, Oksana
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Pages 72
Abstract [eng] The concept of the accident at work – it is the accident at work included traffic accidents in working time, investigated according the procedure and recognized as accident at work, which result the injury of the employee (light, heavy and dead). The accident when the employee dies due to the disease which is not related with work is not assigned to accidents at work. Accidents at work can be classified according the number of injured persons accidents at work are classified into individual accidents when the one person is injured and sectional accidents when more then one person is injured. According to the relation with work – related with work – accident, when after investigation it is determined that the accident happened performing the appointed job or going to the work or from work, and the accident which is not related with work. The investigation of the accidents at work is regulated according the rules of investigation of accidents at work and accounting No. 748 confirmed in 2001 June 19th by the Government. The accidents that are happened to the persons working according the working agreement, officials which work in the state, municipality institutions and other persons that are insured with insurance of the accidents at work are investigated according this regulation. After investigation of the accidents at work related with work the forms N-1 and N-2 are written: the form of the accident at work N-1 and the form of accident happened going to work or from work. All accidents at work must be investigated, the results of investigation written down to the necessary form of investigation and registered according to the rules of investigation of accidents at work and accounting. The light accidents at work are investigated by the bilateral commission prescribed by the employer. Heavy accidents at work and the death accidents are investigated by the State Labour Inspectorate assisting the health and safety representative of the employer and employees. When the accident at work takes place and there is a breach the material, administrative and criminal liability is applied. When the accident happens due to employee fault – the material liability is applied. Administrative liability is determined in the Code of the breaches of administrative rights. The code provides the penalties against the employers which breaches the labour safety and healthy laws, withholds the accident at work, and disturbs the work of the investigation. The criminal liability is determined in the Criminal Code, but it is used seldom.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009