Title Study and evaluation of actual nutrition and nutrition habits of Lithuanian adult population /
Translation of Title Suaugusių Lietuvos gyventojų faktiškos mitybos ir mitybos įpročių tyrimas ir vertinimas“.
Authors Barzda, Albertas
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Pages 48
Keywords [eng] nutrition ; nutrition habits ; consumption of foodstuffs ; energy and nutrient intake ; BMI
Abstract [eng] There is no doubts that proper and healthy nutrition helps to prevent a number of chronic non-communicable diseases and is one of the key determinants of good health and life quality. The aim of the study is to evaluate the actual nutrition and nutrition habits of Lithuanian adult population. A random sample of 3,000 Lithuanian residents aged from 19 to 65, representing Lithuanian adult population, was set for this study. Nutrition habits were investigated using nutrition questionnaire, food consumption was investigated using 24 hours recall methodology and special Atlas of Foodstuffs and Dishes portion sizes. Presented study is the first case, where the complexed data about the actual nutrition, nutrition habits and BMI of Lithuanian adult population was analyzed and comprehensively evaluated. According to socio-demographic determinants it was examined and evaluated consumption of separate foodstuffs as well as daily intake of nutrients (proteins, fats (including saturated and unsaturated fatty acids), carbohydrates (including sugars), dietary fibers, vitamins, minerals, etc.), and their consistency within the recommendations. There were established trends of changes in Lithuanian adult population nutrition and BMI, as well as links between respondents’ attitude towards some aspects of the nutrition (nutrition impact on health, consumption of fruits and vegetables, consumption of products containing more saturated fatty acids, heavy salt consumption, iodine salt consumption, dietary fibers benefits for health etc.) and their actual nutrition and nutrition habits. Based on presented study results, practical recommendations were formulated.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2011