Title |
Darbo pasiūlos ir paklausos suderinamumas (statybos sektoriaus pavyzdžiu) / |
Translation of Title |
Compatibility between Labour Supply and Demand (based on building sector). |
Authors |
Šreiderienė, Ingrida ; Rubštaitienė, Renata |
Full Text |
Pages |
125 |
Keywords [eng] |
labour market ; labour demand ; labour supply |
Abstract [eng] |
In the Master’s Paper we analyse labour demand and supply compatibility in the labour market based upon building sector’s example. In the first part we analyse theoretical aspects of labour market, labour and manpower concepts. We present labour supply and demand as well as equilibrium models and the factors, influencing them. Also we analyse the labour market regulation measures applied by the state as well as the directions of politics taken in Lithuania. In the second part we analyse the indices defining current situation in the labour market. We have made patterns of the factors influencing demand and supply in the building sector, which are used to assess objectively the labour supply and demand in the sector. In the third part we concretize down to prediction possibilities of labour supply and demand equilibrium conformity or compatibility in the building sector. We analyze whether the hypothesis formulated by the authors is verified. |
Type |
Master thesis |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2007 |