Abstract [eng] |
The objective of this master thesis is to analyze the implementation of educational reform in Skuodas district and to substantiate the directions for improvement in the following areas: optimization of the network of educational institutions, funding system of educational institutions and the infrastructure of educational institutions. In the first part of this master thesis an overview of theoretical aspects of the educational reform is presented: core dimensions of the reform of public administration, systematic analysis of the concept of “good administration”, reflections of public administration in Lithuanian educational sys-tem. Main systematic features of educational reform are also reviewed: educational change and reform, strategic administration of educational reform, legal regulation of Lithuanian educational reforms and the results of educational reforms. Second part consists of the research methodology. The concept of the school of strategic ad-ministration and its application is analyzed in this part. Problem field analysis is presented, as well as Gantt chart and the scheme of investigation. Research methods and scope are presented in separate tables. Four experts have participated in the expert survey: former Minister of Education and Science, the director of the Department of General Education under the Ministry of Education and Science, Mayor of Skuodas, Director of the Department of Education in Skuodas district municipality. Four in-formants have contributed to the analysis of the chosen subject: former Director of the Department of Education in Skuodas district municipality, a deputy of the Director of Skuodas district municipality administration, the Chairman of the committee of Education, Culture and Sports in Skuodas district Council, the chairman of the association of managers of educational institutions in Skuodas district. In the third part of this thesis the situation in Skuodas district is analyzed in the following aspects: school reorganization, funding of educational systems, infrastructure of educational institutions. Also the decisions of Skuodas Council, legislation and other documents are analyzed in this part. Content analysis of the documents, survey-based investigations on the implementation of national educational reforms in Skuodas district and Lithuania contributed to highlighting the problems, formulating possi-ble directions for improvement, presenting conclusions and recommendations. Keywords: educational system, educational reform, school reorganization, funding, infrastructure, op-timization of educational network, directions for improvement. |