Abstract [eng] |
The growth of the television as a part of mass media channel persuaded commencement of new kinds of political communication. Political advertisement in TV became a brightest but also not so clear-cut phenomenon of political being. Political TV spots in contemporary election process war are ones of essential well organized and fully controlled communication patterns. The pattern and targets of the political advertisement where changing in the evolution of general election processes. V. Cvalina asserts that the main goal of the modern political advertisement it’s not the information flue but impact on an advertisement receivers behavior. After analyzing electors behavior author of theory ascertain the fact that a person makes its election decision on an emotional base. The main target of my treatise is to explore and analyze the emotional relationship between the elector and its voting object. What impact it has for making decisions and that are the main ambiences on modern political TV advertisements. The detailed tasks of my researches are to analyze the concept of the nowadays political advertisement, its functions, types of content of the political TV spots and the process of the political election modernization. Also it is important to understand the way electors are making their political decisions. The object of my research is Polish political party of “Civic Platform” and their political TV spots translated due to the General Seym and Senate elections in 2007. B. Dobek – Ostrovskas, M. Mazurs, V. Cvalinas empirical researches were taken for the theoretical background as a base of political marketing and communication knowledge. It was a source of all illations regarding general election processes, political communication functions, on differentiation of types of content of political TV spots and its impact for elector decisional process. The analysis of scientific literature in the first two parts of my treatise made a possibility for practical scrutiny in the third of my academic work. Quantity and quality researches of political TV spots gave me possibility to take these kinds of conclusions: firstly- emotional relationship between elector and political party is based on different kinds of persuasion and political marketing methods, secondly- all “Civic Platform” TV spots where made based on political party image and socio-political situation in the country. Obviously the main target of all reviewed TV spots is to persuade elector decision on the elections day. As distinguishing features I could mention several of them: periodicity of the TV spots, political party’s slogan adaptation to different kind of mass communication, big expenditures, persuasive way of communication, negative advertisement and political personality process. Distinguishing features of political advertisement in Poland are in a strait line with the processes of elections modernization. It gives a conclusion that politics are valuated like a market and election processes goes by the simple rules of marketing. |