Abstract [eng] |
Conflicts exist as long as all society, but nobody could devise a perfect mechanism for resolving their disputes. Of all the existing methods of alternative dispute resolution, in this job author will speak only about the one – mediation - an informal method of dispute resolution, in which a neutral third party, the mediator, attempts to assist the parties in finding resolution to their problem through the mediation process. The high cost and long delays is associating with trial of civil matters. That’s way human needs the new way, which could help them to resolve conflicts more effectively. More and more we recognize the mediation as a process for saving relationship, finding the main reasons of dispute, also people are treated with respect in this procedure, they can save their dignity. There are some reasons for this point. First, mediation has no goal to find the guilty or innocence. The second, parties are equal and they can decide which settlement is the best in this situation. Third, litigation is always stressful, while mediation has no disconcerting formalism. Premises of mediation have come in Lithuania only with new Civil Code. By applying mediation can be resolved mostly civil matters as divorce, commercial treaties, employment. There is no direct regulation in Lithuanian domestic law, but we can find some regulations in various legal documents and international treaties. Direct procedure of mediation process is also not regulated, but the essential principles should be taken from UNCITRAL regulation and European Mediator’s Ethics Code. Particular domestic law regulation would help to reach the purposes of mediation: to resolve conflicts peacefully and to make parties more understanding. |