Title Neteisėti veiksmai ir kaltė kaip advokatų profesinės civilinės atsakomybės sąlygos /
Translation of Title Wrongful acts and fault as a conditions of attorneys' professional civil liability.
Authors Petraitytė, Simona
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Pages 67
Abstract [eng] A duty of care exist to each member of the public, but some groups of the professionals, because of the specific of their jobs, must exercise reasonable skill and care. Professional civil liability can result even in the easiest form of guilt - inadvertence, mistake. The fault can be eliminated when it is shown that the professional has taken the maximum in the situation. The sources of Roman law also attest the existence of civil responsibility of an advocate for improper performance of the duties or avoidance of proper performance of the duties. The attorney’s duties may be found in the rule of law, contract between attorney and the client and in the legal ethics requirements. The plaintiff may be both: attorney’s client and non-client, who suffered the damage. The latter must prove that attorney violated the duty of care, which is determined. Attorney reasonably could have foreseen that a person will rely on its conclusion Other questions related the attorney professional civil liability – the limitation or abolition, dismissal of professional liability, is dealt under the common rules of civil liability.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2011